Make It Happen Signage Consultancy Ltd

Make It Happen
sustainability bootcamp
Sustainable products & business innovation
Future-proof your business with a new focus on sustainability
Steve Lister

Meet your host – Steve Lister – Sustainability Consultant for Global Brands & Retailers

LEARN MORE about Steve Lister.
Who is the workshop for?

The Sustainability Bootcamp is a workshop that brings together corporations, companies and individuals to learn, discuss and share knowledge and ideas. The course is suitable for business owners, estimators, project managers, sales, marketing and designers.

Whatever the stage of your sustainability journey, the bootcamp is designed to inspire you with practical guidance and a host of invaluable resources. It also makes use of our ever-growing network of contacts and introduces you to latest sustainability thinking, trends, sustainable products, materials and services.

The one-day, 9.30am – 3.30pm workshop will take you through the sustainability journey you and your company will need to take to succeed in delivering solutions to the challenges you will face moving forward. An engaging, insightful and highly interactive workshop to support you and gives you the key information required to help you succeed in delivering sustainable solutions.

The workshop is for anyone who wishes to improve their understanding of sustainability trends and what they can do within their business to start or further develop their commitment to sustainability.

There is growing focus by new client stakeholders from C-Suite/Senior Management, Sustainability Directors, Sales & Marketing, HR & Finance, Operations & Logistics to Procurement teams.

What is covered?
  • Sustainability – The Global Impact & Definition
  • Why Sustainability Matters & Key Challenges
  • Sustainability Logo’s, Legislation & Accreditations
  • Making Sustainability Claims – How to avoid ‘Greenwashing’
  • Sustainable Design & Materials Trends
  • Sustainable Materials – Fibre Based, Plastics, Wood, Glass , Metal , ACM & Digital Materials, Inks, Inkjets & LED’s
  • Sustainable Business is Good Business
  • Waste & Waste Management Review
  • Sustainable Sales & Marketing Tips
  • Sustainable Pledge – Your Commitments!
Location & timings

The Sustainability Bootcamp runs from 9.30am – 3.30pm and is held in our training facility at SignFab (UK) Ltd in Leicester or at our new host’s facility, Imageco Ltd based in Leeds.

costs & availability

Workshops are £320+VATpp (discounted rates for BSGA/Fespa members £299+VATpp).
Prices include tea, coffee and refreshments throughout the day.
For upcoming dates and availability please email

How do our workshops look?
Watch our latest video.

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”
Robert Swan, Author
“The event was professionally organised, with a warm and welcoming atmosphere throughout the day. More importantly was the wealth of information I gained, it was very informative and engaging. I liked Steve’s enthusiastic approach, which made the learning experience more enjoyable. His wealth of knowledge and expertise opened my eyes to new perspectives on sustainability, expanding my understanding in ways I hadn’t previously considered. I highly recommend this Bootcamp to anyone looking to delve deep into sustainability while enjoying a supportive and friendly environment. Thanks a million, Sam and Steve.”
Rob Lambie – Managing Director of Fastsigns / UK Sign Boards
“Steve is seriously invested in the Sustainability landscape. Having him deliver this course with such enthusiasm is fabulous.  What I liked the most: The content was well-paced and well throughout. I thought it was pitched at just the right level for me to get an overview of things I can now research for myself.”
Hannah Evans-Janosi – UK Marketing Manager FASTSIGNS International, Inc.
“The wealth of insights, knowledge and networking opportunities made it an exceptional learning experience. The discussions on sustainable practices were incredibly enlightening, and I am looking forward to implementing some of what we learnt at Sign Trade Supplies. I would thoroughly recommend booking for a future bootcamp by Steve Lister and Sam Armstrong Make it Happen Signage Consultancy Ltd.”
Matthew Anderson – Commercial Director at Sign Trade Supplies
“Very worthwhile attending this workshop. Loved listening to others and hearing about challenges and opportunities within the sector. Sam and Steve were amazing, so knowledgeable and welcoming. Thank you!”
Rowan Freeman – Dragon Group
“A brilliant day. Thanks Sam & Steve. Very professional, I learnt a lot and will highly recommend to others.”
Clive Mitchell – Walsall College

“This isn’t a ‘nice to have’ anymore – it’s a ‘must have’ conversation, and for anyone looking to understand the impact to our businesses that sustainability will make needs to attend this workshop. Can’t recommend it enough.”

Lucy W. – Marketing Manager, Astley

“I enrolled on the Sustainability Bootcamp after one of my signage suppliers said how interesting he had found it and how much he’d learnt. I was unsure how relatable it would be for me, coming from the brand side rather than a signage manufacturer, but I’m so glad I listened to his advice. The Bootcamp was fantastic. Sam and Steve are clearly very knowledgeable, they know their stuff. The content was both very thought provoking and educational and It was nice to have a mix of people on the course as it bought different ideas, experiences to the table which only enriched the day. All ideas, opinions and questions were encouraged and welcomed. It’s safe to say I learnt a lot and will be recommending it to my colleagues and other suppliers.”

Josie Edwards – Retail and Brand Marketing Design Manager – Natwest Group

“This is not a session about lecturing you to be greener. It is practical advice about how you can become a more sustainable and profitable business by making relatively straightforward changes to how you operate.”
Jack Gocher, Editor – Eye on Display
“(The workshop) offered valuable educational opportunities on topics important to our industry, from material types to sustainability reporting. What’s more the learning continues well beyond the classroom. Sam and Aimee are always on hand to assist when needed…”
Helen Johnson – IS Group
“The Sustainability Bootcamp is a must for all signage makers. Really informative…”
Paul Lovelock – DMA Signs Limited
“This is an invaluable resource for the entire industry. So many misconceptions I had have been corrected and my clients will ultimately benefit…”
Adam Davies – Cog Studio
“Thanks Aimee for such a wonderful day. Some great discussions but we still finished on time! For any of my contacts, this is a wonderful course on sustainable actions…”
Iain Wallace – Metamark