Make It Happen Signage Consultancy Ltd

Make It Happen


Katie Asken is the Chief Operating Officer of Make it Happen. Katie is a customer service ninja and is highly skilled in the art of managing our day-to-day operation; she is the queen of seamless workflows and order processing.

Many of the businesses that we support with products sales see Katie as their secret weapon. Her practical signage advice and hand-holding approach are what keep people coming back to us again and again. Katie can be a life-saver, taking the pressure off you when you need help, sourcing products and giving you piece of mind.

Katie has been with Make it Happen since the very early days. In recognition of her brilliance and contributions to Make it Happen, Katie was promoted to Chief Operating Officer in 2022 and in addition to her product sales role, plays an integral part in shaping the direction of the business.

Katie makes it happen… with her passion for making sure our customers have the best possible experience. She is never shy about picking up the phone to ask you a question (no long email essays in sight!).